"The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz"


Rating: 9/10
Pages: 361
Book 3rd
"The point is clear. People who get things done in this world don’t wait for the spirit to move them; they move the spirit."

•This book unveils why believing in ourselves is a pivotal key to success, and how we’re each capable of achieving any of the goals we’ve always dreamed of.
•The author’s methodology is supported by his work as a professor and leadership counselor, as well as by his innumerable interactions with people and businesses that have seen both sides of the success-failure coin.

Who should read this?
•Anyone who wants to know how successful people become successful
•Anyone who’s interested in achieving their goals – whether short term or lifelong
•Anyone who wants a method for sustaining long-term happiness
The main message of this book:
•In order to become a success, the most important tool is self-belief.
•Successful people aren’t any more talented or deserving than other people – they’re just more driven and more confident because of their self-belief.
•But these aspects lie nascent within everyone, and once realized they make the path to success an accomplishable reality.

                                                                                      -Bhushan Jain                                        
