"The Compound Effect"

Book No. : 1
Pages: 162
Ratings: 10/10
Book Review of the Compound Effect written by Darren Hardy 📖

I have read and re-read The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, in my perpetual effort to stay on track and focused in my professional and personal lives. Darren Hardy tells it straight and shares powerful techniques for achieving goals and eliminating the noise and distraction in our lives that often undermine our focus and progress.

Einstein said, “Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world.” I talk about the compound effect frequently when I speak to my clients about their investments. BUT, the compound effect is just as relevant to making improvements in our lives as it is in growing our investments. Hardy’s premise is “your decisions shape your destiny. The future is what you make of it. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.” Often the littlest, throw away, decisions change the course of our trajectory – and an inconsequential decision can have outsized effects down the line because we carelessly made that decision without really thinking it through—the demands of the present dictated the decision. An example he gives that resonated with me, is somebody stopping their annual contributions to their IRA because they need the cash now (and thinking they will worry about retirement funding later)—but the negative effect of that decision upon retirement will really be felt and the compound effect on not contributing over time will significantly affect the quality of their life in retirement. He also gives some very good tips on how to improve our personal relationships that have really made a difference to me.

Hardy sets forth a methodology for achieving success through consistency, patience and dedication. His formula for life is: “YOU ➡️ CHOICE + BEHAVIOR + HABIT + COMPOUNDED = GOALS

Achievement is not luck, and in this day and age, of the bombardment of the notion of instant gratification, this book will get you on track with its indisputable premise and great tools.
